My grandmother needs to find the best company to deliver a package. Company A charges a fee of $14 plus $7 per pound. Company B charges a fee of $15 plus $6 per pound. At what weight will the companies charge the same amount and what is the equivalent cost?

Let's set up equations to represent the cost for each company:

For Company A: Cost = $14 + $7*W, where W represents the weight in pounds
For Company B: Cost = $15 + $6*W

To find the weight at which the companies charge the same amount, we set the two equations equal to each other:

$14 + $7*W = $15 + $6*W
$7*W - $6*W = $15 - $14
$W = 1

Therefore, the companies will charge the same amount at 1 pound.

Now, let's find the equivalent cost at 1 pound:

For Company A: Cost = $14 + $7*1 = $14 + $7 = $21
For Company B: Cost = $15 + $6*1 = $15 + $6 = $21

Therefore, the equivalent cost at 1 pound for both companies is $21.