How does the principle of separation of powers Lennard Congress is it? Congress cannot enforce the laws that they make. Congress must interpret legislation for the courts. Congress must rely on the exact executive branch to introduce legislation or congressman, share its power with individual state governments.

The principle of separation of powers means that the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government are separate and independent from each other. In the United States, Congress is the legislative branch and is responsible for making laws. Congress cannot enforce the laws it creates - that is the responsibility of the executive branch.

Additionally, Congress cannot interpret legislation for the courts - that is the role of the judicial branch. Congress must rely on the executive branch to introduce legislation, although individual members of Congress can also propose bills.

Furthermore, Congress shares its power with individual state governments, as outlined in the Constitution. This means that certain powers are reserved for the states, while others are held by the federal government. This system of checks and balances helps prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful.