lan can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of a minute determine the pages per minute.

To determine the pages per minute Lan can type, we need to find out how many pages she can type in 1 minute.

First, we need to find out how many pages Lan can type in 1/4 of a minute (since she can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of a minute).

To find out how many pages she can type in 1/4 of a minute, we can set up a proportion:

1/3 page / 3/4 minute = x pages / 1/4 minute

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1/3 * 1/4 = x

1/12 = x

Now that we know Lan can type 1/12 of a page in 1/4 of a minute, we can find out how many pages she can type in 1 minute by multiplying the amount she can type in 1/4 of a minute by 4:

1/12 page * 4 = 4/12 page = 1/3 page

Therefore, Lan can type 1/3 of a page in 1 minute. So, she types 1/3 page per minute.