what is the historical evidence wee have of Jesus?

write a mega essay of many paragraphs on it.

The historical evidence we have of Jesus is a topic of great debate among scholars and historians. While there is no physical or archaeological evidence that directly proves the existence of Jesus, there are a number of sources outside of the Bible that mention him and his followers.

One of the most well-known sources that mention Jesus is the Roman historian Tacitus. In his Annals, written around 116 AD, Tacitus mentions a man named Christ who was crucified under Pontius Pilate during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. This brief mention by Tacitus is important because it is an independent historical account of Jesus and confirms certain details of his life as described in the New Testament.

Another important source is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. In his Antiquities of the Jews, written around 93-94 AD, Josephus mentions Jesus in two passages. One passage known as the Testimonium Flavianum describes Jesus as a wise man and a doer of wonderful deeds who was crucified by Pilate. While some scholars believe this passage has been tampered with by later Christian scribes, others argue that at its core it is a genuine reference to Jesus.

In addition to Tacitus and Josephus, there are several other ancient sources that mention Jesus and early Christianity. The Roman historian Suetonius, writing around 120 AD, mentions a group of Jews who were expelled from Rome because of their disturbances instigated by "Chrestus," believed to be a variation of the name Christ. The Roman governor Pliny the Younger, in a letter to Emperor Trajan written around 112 AD, mentions early Christian worship practices and their loyalty to Jesus. The Jewish Talmud, written around 200-500 AD, contains references to Jesus and his followers as well.

While these ancient sources provide valuable historical evidence of Jesus, it is important to note that they were written decades after his death and may have been influenced by later Christian beliefs and traditions. The lack of contemporary sources directly mentioning Jesus has led some scholars to question the historicity of his existence. However, most historians agree that there is sufficient evidence to support the basic fact that Jesus was a historical figure who lived in first-century Palestine and had a significant impact on the world.

In conclusion, the historical evidence we have of Jesus comes from a variety of ancient sources that mention him and his followers. While there is no definitive physical or archaeological proof of his existence, the writings of Tacitus, Josephus, and other historians provide valuable insights into the life and impact of Jesus. While debates and controversies may continue to surround the historical Jesus, the consensus among most scholars is that he was a real person who played a crucial role in the development of Christianity and Western civilization as a whole.