The diameter of the base of a cylindrical can is 5 inches. The height of the can is 7.5 inches. Determine the area of the lateral side. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.  (Use 3.14 for π.)(1 point)Responses15.7 square inches15.7 square inches37.5 square inches37.5 square inches117.8 square inches117.8 square inches147.2 square inches147.2 square inches

To find the lateral surface area of a cylinder, you use the formula:

Lateral Surface Area = height x circumference of the base

First, find the circumference of the base of the cylinder:
Circumference = π x diameter
Circumference = 3.14 x 5
Circumference = 15.7 inches

Now, calculate the lateral surface area:
Lateral Surface Area = 7.5 x 15.7
Lateral Surface Area = 117.8 square inches

Therefore, the area of the lateral side of the cylindrical can is 117.8 square inches.