Determine the total area of the THREE lateral faces of this triangular prism. 

10in 10in 8in 12in 14 in

To find the total area of the three lateral faces of a triangular prism, you first need to calculate the area of each individual lateral face and then add them together.

The formula for finding the area of a triangle is 1/2 * base * height.

The three lateral faces of the triangular prism have dimensions:
- Face 1: base = 10in, height = 10in
- Face 2: base = 8in, height = 12in
- Face 3: base = 14in, height = 12in

Now, calculate the area of each lateral face:
- Face 1: 1/2 * 10in * 10in = 50in²
- Face 2: 1/2 * 8in * 12in = 48in²
- Face 3: 1/2 * 14in * 12in = 84in²

Add the areas of the three lateral faces:
50in² + 48in² + 84in² = 182in²

Therefore, the total area of the three lateral faces of this triangular prism is 182 square inches.