When finding the surface area of the rectangular pyramid what dimensions will be used to find at the height of the rectangular sides

To find the surface area of a rectangular pyramid, you will need to know the dimensions of the base (length and width) and the slant height of the pyramid. The slant height is the height of the rectangular sides of the pyramid.

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular pyramid is:

Surface Area = (base area) + (1/2 * perimeter of base * slant height)

To find the height of the rectangular sides, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. The height (h) of the rectangular sides can be found using the formula:

h = √(slant height^2 - (1/2 * length)^2)

Once you have the height of the rectangular sides, you can substitute it into the surface area formula along with the base dimensions to find the total surface area of the rectangular pyramid.