Solve the system of equations.


To solve the system of equations, we will first isolate either x or y in one of the equations and substitute it into the other equation.

From the first equation:
5x + 2y = 14
5x = 14 - 2y
x = (14 - 2y) / 5

Now substitute x into the second equation:
14 - 2y = 22 - 6y
14 + 6y = 22 - 2y
8y = 8
y = 1

Now substitute y back into the equation for x:
x = (14 - 2(1)) / 5
x = (14 - 2) / 5
x = 12 / 5
x = 2.4

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = 2.4 and y = 1.


Apologies for the mistake. Let's try solving the system of equations again.

We are given the system of equations:
5x + 2y = 14
x - 6y = 22

To solve, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's use substitution:

From the second equation:
x = 22 + 6y

Substitute x into the first equation:
5(22 + 6y) + 2y = 14
110 + 30y + 2y = 14
32y = -96
y = -3

Now substitute y back into the second equation:
x - 6(-3) = 22
x + 18 = 22
x = 4

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = 4 and y = -3.