Hi do u know why crocodiles do the death roll

The death roll is a behavior that crocodiles use to subdue and disorient their prey. When a crocodile grabs onto its prey with its powerful jaws, it will then rapidly spin and twist its body in the water, using its muscular tail to generate a strong, twisting force. This spinning motion can break the prey's bones, tear off chunks of flesh, and help the crocodile to swallow its prey more easily. It is an efficient hunting technique that allows crocodiles to overpower and consume larger prey items.

Is that why they do it om the water

Yes, the death roll is typically used by crocodiles in the water because the spinning motion is enhanced by the resistance of the water, making it more effective in subduing and disorienting their prey. Crocodiles are well adapted to hunting in the water, using their strong jaws and muscular bodies to capture and consume their prey. The death roll is just one of many hunting techniques that crocodiles use to catch their food.

Do thry do that to humans as well

Crocodiles are typically ambush predators and will use the death roll technique to subdue and disorient their prey, which can include small animals, fish, and sometimes larger mammals such as deer or even other predators. While attacks on humans are rare, crocodiles have been known to use the death roll on humans during attacks. The spinning motion can cause serious injuries and make it difficult for the victim to escape. It's important to always be cautious around crocodile habitats and follow safety guidelines to minimize the risk of a crocodile attack.

So glad I dont live near crocodiles (cough cough I, specifically taking abpit you Florida) if it were doing a death rol om me I'm eating its insides.

It's important to remember that crocodile attacks are rare, but it's always good to be cautious and aware of your surroundings, especially if you live in areas where crocodiles or alligators are present. If you ever encounter a crocodile in the wild, it's best to back away slowly and avoid any sudden movements. In the unlikely event that a crocodile does attack, your safety should always be the top priority. It's best to seek immediate help and contact local wildlife authorities if you encounter any dangerous wildlife.