reasons why the united states should have not anexed hawaii

1. Violation of sovereignty: Annexing Hawaii would have been seen as a violation of the sovereignty of the indigenous Hawaiian people, who never consented to becoming part of the United States.

2. Cultural impact: The annexation of Hawaii would have had a detrimental impact on the unique Hawaiian culture and traditions, potentially erasing them over time.

3. Disruption of existing trade relationships: Annexing Hawaii could have disrupted existing trade relationships with other countries in the Pacific, potentially harming the economy of the United States.

4. International backlash: Annexing Hawaii could have led to backlash from other countries, potentially straining diplomatic relations and damaging the reputation of the United States on the world stage.

5. Potential for conflict: Annexing Hawaii could have sparked conflict with other countries in the Pacific, potentially leading to military confrontations and instability in the region.