a incident repost may also be called an occurrence report drastic measure sentinel event resident care plan?

An incident report or occurrence report is a document used to record details of an unexpected event or situation that occurs in a healthcare or residential care setting. This can include accidents, injuries, medication errors, or any other incident that occurs which could potentially impact the care and well-being of residents or patients.

A drastic measure is a significant or extreme action taken in response to a situation or problem. In a healthcare or residential care setting, a drastic measure may be necessary if there is a serious incident or emergency that requires immediate and significant intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of residents or patients.

A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence that results in death or serious physical or psychological injury to a patient or resident. Sentinel events are considered significant events in healthcare or residential care settings and require thorough investigation and analysis to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

A resident care plan is a personalized plan developed for each resident in a residential care setting, detailing their individual care needs, preferences, and goals. It outlines the specific care and support that will be provided to the resident to ensure their well-being and quality of life. In the event of an incident or drastic measure, the resident care plan may need to be adjusted or updated to address any new concerns or changes in the resident's health or circumstances.