Jasper is a florist, and he is putting together bouquets of tulips to sell in his store. Using the 300 tulips he has in stock, he wants to make a combination of small bouquets with 8 tulips each and large bouquets with 20 tulips each.

Which pairs (s,𝓁) represent possible numbers of small and large bouquets that Jasper could make?

There are 37 pairs (s,𝓁) that represent possible numbers of small and large bouquets that Jasper could make using 300 tulips. These pairs are as follows:

(0, 15)
(1, 14)
(2, 13)
(3, 12)
(4, 11)
(5, 10)
(6, 9)
(7, 8)
(8, 7)
(9, 6)
(10, 5)
(11, 4)
(12, 3)
(13, 2)
(14, 1)
(15, 0)
(16, 0)
(17, 0)
(18, 0)
(19, 0)
(20, 0)
(22, 1)
(23, 1)
(24, 1)
(25, 1)
(26, 1)
(27, 1)
(28, 1)
(29, 1)
(30, 1)
(31, 1)
(32, 1)
(33, 1)
(34, 1)
(35, 1)
(36, 1)
(37, 1)
(38, 1)
(39, 1)