A new social media platform has been released. One of the features is that you can upvote and downvote posts. The algorithm for viewing posts makes it so that once you downvote a post you never see another post similar again. Why might this pose an ethical dilemma?(1 point)


It may hide opposing viewpoints, keeping people from seeing them and strengthening confirmation bias.

It may promote opposing viewpoints, making them more visible.

It will provide a balanced experience so the use can be decided.

It may provide a more moderate experience for the user.

Ultimately, the ethical dilemma stems from the potential for the algorithm to limit exposure to diverse perspectives. By only showing posts similar to ones that have been upvoted, the platform could create echo chambers where users are only exposed to ideas they already agree with. This can hinder critical thinking, stifle open dialogue, and contribute to polarization in society. Additionally, it may also lead to misinformation spreading unchecked if dissenting viewpoints are automatically suppressed.