For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.
Please use a specific example from the text to support WHY you chose your above answer. In other words, how do you know this passage is an example of Romanticism or Realism?

/1 - Giving an example from the text

/2 - Explaining how your example shows the text is Romanticism or Realism

In this passage from William Wordsworth's poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," the speaker describes being in a pensive mood and experiencing a sense of bliss and pleasure upon remembering the daffodils they had seen. This emphasis on nature, emotions, and the power of memory is characteristic of Romanticism. Romanticism prioritizes individual expression, emotion, imagination, and the beauty of nature, which are all evident in this passage as the speaker finds joy and inspiration in the memory of the daffodils. This focus on personal emotion and nature aligns with the values of Romanticism, making this passage an example of Romantic literature.