What are the format for writing the best research paper for my final year student at UOG on Remediating acid mine drainage by using lemon juice and DNA extracted

Title: Remediating Acid Mine Drainage using Lemon Juice and DNA Extracted

- Background information on acid mine drainage and its environmental impacts
- Rationale for using lemon juice and DNA as remediation agents
- Objective of the research paper

Literature Review:
- Previous studies on acid mine drainage remediation methods
- Properties and benefits of lemon juice and DNA in environmental remediation
- Mechanisms of action for each remediation agent

- Procedure for extracting DNA from plant sources
- Preparation and application of lemon juice solution for acid mine drainage remediation
- Experimental design for testing the effectiveness of the remediation agents

- Data analysis and interpretation of results from the experiments
- Comparison of the effectiveness of lemon juice and DNA in remediating acid mine drainage
- Discussion on the potential limitations and challenges of the study

- Summary of key findings and implications for future research
- Recommendations for using lemon juice and DNA in practical applications for acid mine drainage remediation
- Overall contribution of the study to the field of environmental remediation

- List of sources cited throughout the research paper in APA format.

Note: Do not forget to include an abstract at the beginning of the paper summarizing the key points and findings of the research.