After extracting from DNA from banana, what are the process used to clean the acid mine drainage polluted water

There are several processes that can be used to clean acid mine drainage polluted water, including:

1. Neutralization: This involves adding chemicals such as lime or limestone to the water to neutralize the acidity and raise the pH levels.

2. Precipitation: This process involves adding chemicals that cause contaminants to precipitate out of the water, making them easier to remove.

3. Filtration: Filtration systems, such as sand filters or membrane filters, can be used to remove suspended solids and contaminants from the water.

4. Biological treatment: Some types of bacteria and other microorganisms can break down contaminants in the water, making them less harmful.

5. Activated carbon adsorption: This involves passing the water through activated carbon, which adsorbs contaminants and pollutants.

6. Reverse osmosis: This process involves passing the water through a membrane that filters out contaminants and pollutants.

7. Electrocoagulation: This process uses an electrical current to destabilize contaminants in the water, causing them to clump together and be easier to remove.

These processes can be used individually or in combination, depending on the specific contaminants present in the acid mine drainage polluted water.