the length of a football field is 67 yards greater than the width. The perimeter of the field is 346 yards. Find the length and width of the football feild

Let's call the width of the field x yards.

According to the given information, the length of the field is 67 yards greater than the width. Therefore, the length of the field is x + 67 yards.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2(length + width). In this case, the perimeter is given as 346 yards. So we can write:

346 = 2(x + x + 67)
346 = 2(2x + 67)
346 = 4x + 134
4x = 346 - 134
4x = 212
x = 212 / 4
x = 53

So, the width of the football field is 53 yards.

The length of the field is x + 67 = 53 + 67 = 120 yards.

Therefore, the length of the football field is 120 yards and the width is 53 yards.