What is the sum of 6.3×10^3 and 2.41×10^4 ? Use scientific notation to express your answer.(1 point)

The sum of 6.3×10^3 and 2.41×10^4 is calculated as follows:

6.3×10^3 + 2.41×10^4 = (6.3 + 24.1) x 10^4 = 30.4 x 10^4

Therefore, the sum in scientific notation is 3.04×10^5.

that's wrong

Apologies for the error in my previous response. Let's calculate the correct sum of 6.3×10^3 and 2.41×10^4:

6.3×10^3 + 2.41×10^4 = 6.3 x 10^3 + 2.41 x 10^4
= 6.3 x 1000 + 2.41 x 10000
= 6300 + 24100
= 30400

The sum in scientific notation is 3.04 x 10^4.

Therefore, the correct sum is 3.04×10^4. Thank you for pointing out the error.

A human hair has a diameter of about 4×10^−3 inches. A fingernail is about 0.011 inches thicker. How thick is a fingernail? Write your answer as a decimal to 3 places.(1 point)

To find out how thick a fingernail is compared to a human hair, we need to add the thickness of a human hair to the additional thickness of a fingernail:

4×10^−3 inches (thickness of human hair) + 0.011 inches (additional thickness of a fingernail)
= 0.004 inches + 0.011 inches
= 0.015 inches

Therefore, a fingernail is 0.015 inches thick. This can also be written as 1.5 x 10^-2 inches in scientific notation. As a decimal to 3 decimal places, the thickness of a fingernail is 0.015 inches.