Analyze the effects of Tiananmen Square on China’s foreign policy. What is one lasting change?(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0AChina let university officials lead the way to democratization after Tiananmen Square.%0D%0AChina let university officials lead the way to democratization after Tiananmen Square.%0D%0A%0D%0AChina has become open to negotiations with foreign countries about national policy.%0D%0AChina has become open to negotiations with foreign countries about national policy.%0D%0A%0D%0AChina has increasingly resisted foreign influence since Tiananmen Square.%0D%0AChina has increasingly resisted foreign influence since Tiananmen Square.%0D%0A%0D%0AChina adopted the Western model of freedom of speech after Tiananmen Square.

One lasting change in China's foreign policy as a result of Tiananmen Square is that China has increasingly resisted foreign influence. The government became more cautious and wary of outside interference in its domestic affairs after the events at Tiananmen Square. This led to a more assertive and nationalistic stance in foreign policy, with an emphasis on protecting Chinese sovereignty and maintaining control over internal affairs. China has since been less willing to compromise or engage in negotiations with foreign countries on certain sensitive issues, especially those related to human rights or political reform.