Use the excerpt from the poem "Late September" by Amy Lowell to answer the question.

Warmth of earth, and cloudless wind
Tearing off the husky rind,
Blowing feathered seeds to fall
By the sun-baked, sheltering wall.

In three to five sentences, explain how the poet uses figurative language to express meaning in this stanza.

In this stanza, the poet uses figurative language to create vivid imagery and convey a sense of movement and change. The line "Tearing off the husky rind" uses the metaphor of tearing to describe the wind's forceful action on the earth, suggesting a sense of energy and transformation. The phrase "Blowing feathered seeds to fall" uses personification to give the seeds human-like qualities, emphasizing their vulnerability and the wind's power to scatter them. Lastly, the image of the "sun-baked, sheltering wall" employs juxtaposition to highlight the contrast between the heat of the sun and the protective nature of the wall, suggesting a sense of balance and harmony in nature.

could you make it sound like a 7th grader wrote it?

In this part of the poem, the writer talks about the wind tearing stuff off the earth and blowing seeds around. It's described like the seeds are feathers floating in the wind. Also, there's a wall that's really warm from the sun, but it's also protecting things. It's like everything is changing and moving all at once.

i meant could you make the 3-5 sentence excerpt you wrote sound like a 7th grader wrote it?

In this poem part, the poet talks about the wind blowing stuff around and tearing things up, kinda like it's a tornado or something. The seeds are called feathered seeds, like they're fluffy and flying through the air. There's a warm wall that's also protecting things from the sun. It's like everything is moving and changing all at the same time.