The recipe calls for 151​ cups of rice for every 1 cup of veggies. Now, use the double number line to find the number of cups of rice the restaurant would need for 15 cups of veggies.

First, we would set up a double number line with "Rice" and "Veggies" as the two quantities.

1 cup of rice | 151 cups of rice
1 cup of veggies | 15 cups of veggies

To find the number of cups of rice needed for 15 cups of veggies, we can determine the relationship between rice and veggies.

1 cup of rice is to 151 cups of rice as 1 cup of veggies is to 15 cups of veggies.

Therefore, to find the number of cups of rice needed for 15 cups of veggies, we use the ratio:

1:151 = 15:x

1/151 = 15/x

x = 151/15
x = 10.07

So, the restaurant would need approximately 10.07 cups of rice for 15 cups of veggies according to the recipe.