Example of public self awareness

Public self-awareness can be demonstrated in various ways, such as being mindful of one's actions, words, and behavior in social situations. This can include being conscious of how one's behavior may impact others, actively listening to feedback from others, and making efforts to improve oneself based on this feedback.

For example, a person with public self-awareness may notice when they are dominating a conversation and take steps to allow others to contribute more. They may also be aware of how their body language or tone of voice may be perceived by others and make adjustments to ensure they are communicating effectively.

In a professional setting, public self-awareness may involve recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses, seeking opportunities for growth and development, and being open to constructive criticism from colleagues or supervisors.

Overall, public self-awareness involves being mindful of how one presents themselves to others and making efforts to continually improve and grow in social and professional settings.