if i added 2 tsps of salt to my water then i drop the egg in what would be the cm?

The addition of salt to water increases the density of the water, making it more buoyant. This increase in density would cause the egg to float higher in the water than it would in regular water.

The exact increase in buoyancy and the resulting change in the depth of the egg floating in the water would depend on the specific density of the saltwater solution compared to regular water.

Without this specific information, it is difficult to calculate the exact change in depth of the egg in the water.

how close would the egg be the the bottom of the cup in centimeters

Without specific information about the size of the cup and the density of the saltwater solution, it is difficult to give an exact measurement in centimeters. However, the egg would likely float higher in the saltwater solution compared to regular water, meaning it would be closer to the surface of the water and further away from the bottom of the cup.

If you have a way to measure the distance between the surface of the water and the egg, you could calculate the approximate distance in centimeters from that measurement.

information : its 2 tsp of salt added

With the addition of 2 teaspoons of salt to water, the egg would float higher in the water compared to regular water. The increase in density of the saltwater solution would cause the egg to experience greater buoyancy.

Without specific measurements, it is difficult to determine the exact distance the egg would be from the bottom of the cup in centimeters. However, you could observe the change in the egg's position in the saltwater solution compared to regular water to get an idea of the difference in buoyancy.

how much higher in centimeters

The exact increase in buoyancy and the resulting change in the depth of the egg in saltwater compared to plain water would depend on various factors such as the size of the egg, the volume of water, the concentration of salt in the solution, and other variables.

Without specific measurements and values, it is difficult to provide the exact increase in height in centimeters. To determine this, you could conduct an experiment by comparing the position of the egg in plain water with the position in saltwater and measuring the difference in depth as a rough estimate.