The recipe calls for 121​ cups of rice for every 1 cup of veggies. Now, use the double number line to find the number of cups of rice the restaurant would need for 15 cups of veggies. Solve on paper, then enter your answer on Zearn.

Starting with 1 cup of veggies, we can use the ratio of 121 cups of rice to 1 cup of veggies to set up the double number line:

1 cup of veggies: 121 cups of rice
15 cups of veggies: x cups of rice

To find the number of cups of rice needed for 15 cups of veggies, we can set up a proportion:

1/121 = 15/x

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

1*x = 15*121
x = 1815

Therefore, the restaurant would need 1815 cups of rice for 15 cups of veggies.