Tessa designs a supply closet as an addition to her house. The closet is pictured, and its total area is 36 square feet. What is the length in feet of the side of the supply closet labeled with the question mark?(1 point)

The area of a rectangle is given by the formula A = length x width.

Since the total area of the supply closet is 36 square feet, we have:

36 = length x width

Since we are looking for the length of the side labeled with the question mark, let's denote it as x:

x = length

We can rearrange the equation to solve for x:

36 = x x width

Given that the width is not provided in the question, we can't determine the exact length of the side labeled with the question mark without additional information.

A composite shape is drawn, starting with a horizontally aligned rectangle. There is no measurement across the top, and the right side is labeled with a question mark. A horizontally aligned rectangular area marked as 8 feet in length and unknown in width is removed from the bottom left of the original rectangle. The remaining length on the right side is 2 feet. The remaining width on the left side is 3 feet. Corners are marked with right angles.

Tessa designs a supply closet as an addition to her house. The closet is pictured, and its total area is 36 square feet. What is the length in feet of the side of the supply closet labeled with the question mark?(1 point)

To find the length of the side of the supply closet labeled with the question mark, we first need to determine the dimensions of the rectangle before the rectangular area of 8 feet in length and unknown width is removed.

Let the width of the initial rectangle be y.

The total area of the initial rectangle is given by 3 feet x y feet = 3y square feet.

After removing the rectangular area of 8 feet in length and unknown width, we are left with a rectangle with dimensions (3 - 8) feet x (y - ?) feet = 2 feet x (y - ?) feet.

The total area of the supply closet is 36 square feet, so we have:

2(y - ?) = 36

2y - 2? = 36

Then, we need to find the possible values for y from the original rectangle. Given that the right side is 2 feet and the total width is y feet, we have:

2 + y = total width

Re-arrange the equation to solve for y:

y = total width - 2

Now, we can substitute the value of y into the equation derived from the area of the supply closet:

2(total width - 2) - 2? = 36

2(total width - 2) = 36 + 2?

2(total width - 2) = 36 + 2?

Now, you can continue solving for the value of the side labeled with the question mark.