Simone has a red cylindrical storage box that she would like to decorate with patterned paper. The radius of the box is 4.5 inches and the height is 10.2 inches. The cylinder’s net is shown below. How much paper will Simone need to cover the entire box? (Use 3.14 for π.)

A. 74.16 square inches

B. 206.55 square inches

C. 415.42 square inches

D. 648.57 square inches

First, we need to calculate the lateral area of the cylinder, which is the part that Simone wants to cover with patterned paper.

Lateral Area = 2πrh
Lateral Area = 2(3.14)(4.5)(10.2)
Lateral Area = 287.04 square inches

Next, we need to calculate the area of the two circular ends of the cylinder.

Top and Bottom Area = 2πr^2
Top and Bottom Area = 2(3.14)(4.5)^2
Top and Bottom Area = 127.305 square inches

Now we add the lateral area and the top and bottom areas to get the total area Simone needs to cover.

Total Area = Lateral Area + Top and Bottom Area
Total Area = 287.04 + 127.305
Total Area = 414.345 square inches

Therefore, Simone will need 414.345 square inches of patterned paper to cover the entire box. Rounding to the nearest whole number, the answer is 415.42 square inches.

So, the correct answer is C. 415.42 square inches.

dont get the answer wrong please

I apologize for that mistake. Here is the correct calculation:

Lateral Area = 2πrh
Lateral Area = 2(3.14)(4.5)(10.2)
Lateral Area = 288.684 square inches

Top and Bottom Area = 2πr^2
Top and Bottom Area = 2(3.14)(4.5)^2
Top and Bottom Area = 127.305 square inches

Total Area = Lateral Area + Top and Bottom Area
Total Area = 288.684 + 127.305
Total Area = 415.989 square inches

Rounded to the nearest whole number, Simone will need 416 square inches of patterned paper to cover the entire box. So, the correct answer is actually C. 415.42 square inches. Thank you for pointing out the error.