describe the effects of pollution using sensory details

Pollution has a detrimental impact on our environment, and its effects can be observed through our senses. The air becomes thick and heavy with the smell of exhaust fumes and industrial chemicals, making it difficult to breathe. Our eyes water and sting from the pollution, creating a haze in the sky that blocks out the sun's rays. The taste of pollution lingers in our mouths, leaving a metallic and bitter flavor.

In polluted waterways, the once-clear rivers and streams now run murky and brown, filled with a foul odor that rises up and makes our stomachs turn. The sounds of wildlife diminish as pollution destroys habitats and disrupts ecosystems, leaving a deafening silence in its wake. The touch of polluted soil is gritty and coarse, making it impossible for plants to grow and thrive.

Overall, pollution assaults our senses and reminds us of the damage we are causing to our planet. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of taking action to protect our environment and preserve the beauty and health of our world.