Why is it dangerous for government officials to not adhere to the law, as President Eisenhower did when he refused to enforce integration using federal resources?

It is dangerous for government officials to not adhere to the law because it sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the rule of law. When government officials, especially those in positions of power like the President, fail to enforce laws that are designed to protect individuals' rights and promote equality, it can lead to discrimination, injustice, and ultimately erode the trust and legitimacy of the government.

In the case of President Eisenhower's refusal to enforce integration using federal resources, it not only perpetuated racial segregation and discrimination but also sent a message that the government was willing to ignore or selectively enforce laws based on political expediency or personal beliefs. This undermines the principle of equality under the law and damages the credibility and integrity of the government, ultimately weakening the foundation of democracy and the social fabric of society.