While considering a photo, Joelle is asking questions like, ‘Is there a rhythmic or repeated shape in the frame?’ and ‘Does the photo have a sense of unity or is it more about the contrast between things?’ What is Joelle using to evaluate and critique this photo? (1 point) Responses the brand and model of camera that was used the brand and model of camera that was used the specific lens used to capture the image the specific lens used to capture the image lighting, studio or natural lighting, studio or natural the principles of design the principles of design Skip to navigation page 2 of 2

Joelle is using the principles of design to evaluate and critique the photo. These principles include concepts such as balance, unity, variety, rhythm, and contrast, which help to create a visually pleasing composition. By asking questions about rhythmic shapes, unity, and contrast, Joelle is considering how well the photo utilizes these principles to create an effective and engaging image.