Car Stars Auto Rental charges $35 a day plus $0.25 per mile. Car Express Auto Rental charges $17 a day plus $0.40 per mile.

What number of miles results in the same cost for one day?
A. 50 miles
B. 90 miles
C. 100 miles
D. 120 miles

Let x represent the number of miles.

For Car Stars Auto Rental, the total cost for one day is $35 + $0.25x
For Car Express Auto Rental, the total cost for one day is $17 + $0.40x

Setting the two costs equal to each other:
35 + 0.25x = 17 + 0.40x
18 = 0.15x
x = 120

Therefore, the same cost for one day would occur at 120 miles.

Answer: D. 120 miles