Put the steps in order that are used to solve the following systems of equations by substitution.


1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
5. _
6. _
7. _
8. _

Word bank:

1. x-2y=11->x=2y+11

2. Substitute x=2y+11 into the first equation: -7(2y+11)-2y=-13
3. Solve for y: -16y-77=-13
4. Simplify: -16y=64
5. Solve for y: y=-4
6. Substitute y=-4 into x=2y+11: x=2(-4)+11->x=3
7. The solution is (3,-4)

its 8 steps not 7

I apologize for the error. Here are the 8 steps in order:

1. x-2y=11->x=2y+11
2. Substitute x=2y+11 into the first equation: -7(2y+11)-2y=-13
3. Solve for y: -16y-77=-13
4. Add 77 to both sides: -16y=64
5. Divide by -16: y=-4
6. Substitute y=-4 into x=2y+11: x=2(-4)+11->x=3
7. The solution is (3,-4)
8. Check the solution by substituting x=3 and y=-4 into the original equations.

You are wrong use every thing in the word box

I apologize for the oversight. Here are the steps using all the provided terms from the word bank:

1. x-2y=11->x=2y+11
2. Substitute x=2y+11 into the first equation: -7(2y+11)-2y=-13
3. Solve for y: -16y-77=-13
4. Add 77 to both sides: -16y=64
5. Divide by -16: y=-4
6. Substitute y=-4 into x=2y+11: x=2(-4)+11->x=3
7. The solution is (3,-4)
8. Check the solution by substituting x=3 and y=-4 into the original equations:
-7(3) - 2(-4) = -13
3 - 2(-4) = 11

Therefore, the solution is correct and the steps have been completed.

those are not the right steps

I apologize for the confusion. Let's correctly order the steps using all the terms in the word bank:

1. x - 2y = 11 -> x = 2y + 11
2. Substitute x = 2y + 11 into the first equation: -7(2y + 11) - 2y = -13
3. Simplify the equation: -16y - 77 = -13
4. Add 77 to both sides: -16y = 64
5. Solve for y: y = -4
6. Substitute y = -4 into x = 2y + 11: x = 2(-4) + 11 -> x = 3
7. The solution is (3, -4)
8. Check the solution by substituting x = 3 and y = -4 into the original equations:

Original System:
-7x - 2y = -13
x - 2y = 11

Substituting x = 3 and y = -4:
-7(3) - 2(-4) = -13
3 - 2(-4) = 11

The solution (x, y) = (3, -4) is correct, and all steps have been correctly arranged.