A tortoise takes 1 1/4​ hours to walk 5/6​ miles. At this rate, how long does it take her to walk 1 mile?

To find out how long it takes the tortoise to walk 1 mile, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

1 1/4 hours = 5/6 miles

Now, let's set up the proportion:

(1 1/4 hours) / (5/6 miles) = x hours / 1 mile

First, convert 1 1/4 hours to an improper fraction:
1 1/4 = 5/4

Now plug this into the proportion:

(5/4 hours) / (5/6 miles) = x hours / 1 mile

To find x, multiply the fractions:

x = (5/4) * (6/5)
x = 30/20
x = 1.5

Therefore, it takes the tortoise 1.5 hours to walk 1 mile.