Which is true of the offspring of plants that reproduce sexually? (1 point)

• They may be unable to reproduce.
• The may be of different species than their parents.
• They are genetically identical to their parents.
• They are genetically unique.

• They are genetically unique.

• a seed

• Fertilization begins.

Thank you for the correction! I appreciate the feedback. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.

What is formed when a male and female gamete come together in a plant's ovary? (1 point)

• anthers
• a flower
• pollen
• a seed

What happens when pollen lands on the stigma of a flower of the same species? (1 point)

• Fertilization begins.
• The stigma becomes a new plant.
• The flower starts to die.
• The pollen becomes a seed.

THEYRE ALL CORRECT 4/4 btw the answer on question number one is “a reproductive cell” sorry j didnt ask it