How does culture make us human

Culture is essentially the shared beliefs, behaviors, values, and practices of a group of individuals. It plays a crucial role in shaping our identity, shaping our understanding of the world, and influencing our interactions with others. Culture makes us human in the following ways:

1. Socialization: Culture helps us learn the norms, values, and customs of our society. Through socialization, we develop a sense of self and learn how to interact with others in a way that is considered acceptable by our community.

2. Communication: Culture provides us with a shared language and communication system that allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Language is a fundamental aspect of culture that enables us to connect with others and share information.

3. Identity: Culture shapes our sense of identity and helps us understand who we are in relation to others. Our cultural background influences our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and helps us form a sense of belonging and connection to our community.

4. Values and beliefs: Culture defines our values, beliefs, and moral principles, which guide our behavior and decision-making. These cultural norms help us understand what is considered right and wrong within our society.

5. Art and creativity: Culture fosters creativity and artistic expression, allowing us to create and appreciate music, literature, art, and other forms of cultural expression. These creative outlets help us express our individuality and share our cultural heritage with others.

6. Adaptation and survival: Culture plays a crucial role in helping us adapt to our environment and survive as a species. Through shared knowledge and traditions, we learn how to meet our basic needs, solve problems, and navigate the complexities of the world around us.

In summary, culture shapes our identity, influences our behavior, and connects us to others in meaningful ways. It is an integral part of what makes us human, helping us navigate the complexities of the world and find meaning and purpose in our lives.