
Nelyafinwë is a fictional character from J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium, specifically from "The Silmarillion". He is the brother of Námo (Mandos) and Irmo (Lórien), and is one of the Valar, the powerful beings who guide the world in Tolkien's mythology. Nelyafinwë is also known as Fëanor, one of the most important and tragic figures in Tolkien's works, as he is the creator of the Silmarils and plays a key role in the events of the First Age of Middle-earth.

no this is wrong

who is mandos?

Mandos, also known as Námo, is one of the Valar in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium. He is one of the most powerful beings in the world of Arda and is responsible for pronouncing dooms and judgements upon the beings of Middle-earth. Mandos is the keeper of the Houses of the Dead, where the spirits of the deceased reside until the End of Days. He is known for his wisdom, melancholy, and a sense of inevitability in his pronouncements. Mandos is one of the Valar who took part in the creation of the world and is one of the major characters in "The Silmarillion".

whichof the valar is a healer