What is contextualization?

Explain and evaluate ways in which an event or process connects to other similar historical events across time.
Reading primary source documents.

Contextualization is the process of understanding and interpreting a historical event or process within its broader historical, social, cultural, and political context. It involves examining the various factors that influenced the event, such as the economic conditions, political climate, social attitudes, and cultural beliefs of the time period in which it occurred.

One way to contextualize a historical event is through comparison with other similar events that have occurred across different time periods. By analyzing how different events are connected and how they have influenced each other, historians can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and patterns of history.

Another method of contextualization is reading primary source documents, which are firsthand accounts or original sources of information from the time period in question. By examining primary sources, historians can gain insight into the perspectives, motivations, and experiences of people who lived through the event, helping to provide a more nuanced and accurate understanding of the historical context.

Overall, contextualization is crucial for historians and researchers to accurately interpret and analyze historical events, as it allows them to consider the multiple factors and influences that shaped the event and its significance in relation to broader historical trends.