Review the graphs of a system of these two linear equations in two variables: y = 4x - 10 and y = -2 + 8 Find the solution of the system.

To graph the system of equations y = 4x - 10 and y = -2 + 8, we plot the lines on the xy-plane:

y = 4x - 10 is a line with a y-intercept of -10 and a slope of 4. We can plot the points (0, -10), (1, -6), and (2, -2) to draw the line.

y = -2 + 8 is a line with a y-intercept of 8 and a slope of -2. We can plot the points (0, 8), (1, 6), and (2, 4) to draw the line.

The two lines intersect at the point (3, 2), which is the solution to the system of equations. This means that x = 3 and y = 2 satisfy both equations simultaneously.

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations y = 4x - 10 and y = -2 + 8 is x = 3, y = 2.