Even while hiding 03534 wore regular clothes(Overalls) during the week and his suit on Sunday, why do you think he continued this routine?

There could be a few reasons why 03534 continued this routine of wearing overalls during the week and a suit on Sundays.

1. Tradition or Personal Belief: 03534 may have grown up in a household where it was common to dress more formally on Sundays for religious or personal reasons. Continuing this tradition or personal belief could provide a sense of routine or comfort for 03534.

2. Professional Image: 03534 may work in a field where wearing a suit on Sundays is seen as important for maintaining a professional image or making a good impression. By adhering to this dress code, 03534 may feel more confident or respected in their work environment.

3. Separation of Work and Leisure: By wearing overalls during the week for more casual activities and a suit on Sundays for more formal events, 03534 may be consciously setting boundaries between their work and leisure time. This routine could help create a sense of balance in their life and allow for a clear distinction between different aspects of their daily routine.