Predicting the Effect of the Removal of a Keystone Species ...(2 points)


The Wolf is a keystone species
The Wolf is a keystone species

the Buffalo is a keystone species
the Buffalo is a keystone species
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1. Decrease in biodiversity: If the removal of a keystone species such as the wolf or buffalo were to occur, it could lead to a decrease in biodiversity within the ecosystem. These species play crucial roles in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, and their absence could disrupt the entire food web.

2. Cascade effect: The removal of a keystone species could also have a cascade effect on other species within the ecosystem. For example, the absence of wolves could lead to an increase in prey species, which in turn could have negative impacts on vegetation and other predator populations. Similarly, the loss of buffalo could impact grazing patterns and vegetation growth, affecting other herbivores and predators in the ecosystem.