How can the Supreme Court overturn a lower court’s decision on a case?


by accepting a writ of certiorari, reviewing the case, and deciding a different outcome than the lower court
by accepting a writ of certiorari, reviewing the case, and deciding a different outcome than the lower court

by accepting a writ of certiorari and deciding the case based on suggestions from law clerks
by accepting a writ of certiorari and deciding the case based on suggestions from law clerks

by accepting a writ of certiorari and ruling on the side of the majority opinion of citizens
by accepting a writ of certiorari and ruling on the side of the majority opinion of citizens

by accepting a writ of certiorari and making a decision based on the guidelines presented in Rule 10

by accepting a writ of certiorari, reviewing the case, and ultimately deciding that the lower court's decision was incorrect based on legal reasoning and interpretation of the law