A smoothie recipe calls for 2 cups of juice for every 3 cups of strawberries. How many cups of strawberries would you need for 9 cups of juice?

Now, use the double number line to find the number of cups of strawberries you would need for 9 cups of juice. Make it a fraction.

To find the number of cups of strawberries needed for 9 cups of juice, we can set up a proportion:

2 cups of juice / 3 cups of strawberries = 9 cups of juice / x cups of strawberries

Cross multiplying, we get:
2 * x = 3 * 9
2x = 27
x = 27 / 2
x = 13.5

So, you would need 13.5 cups of strawberries for 9 cups of juice.

Using the double number line:

From the double number line, we can see that for 9 cups of juice, we would need 13.5 cups of strawberries, which can also be written as 27/2 (13.5 as a fraction).