The table shows the number of students in a group who take French and/or take Spanish:

Take French Do Not Take French Total
Take Spanish 15 41 56
Do Not Take Spanish ? 10 42
Total 47 51 98
What is the missing number in the table? (4 points)





The missing number in the table is 27.

Here's how to calculate it:

Total number of students taking French: 47
Total number of students not taking French: 51
Total number of students taking Spanish: 56
Total number of students not taking Spanish: 42
Total number of students: 98

To find the missing number of students who do not take Spanish, we can subtract the number of students taking Spanish from the total number of students not taking French:
51 (Total not taking French) - 15 (Taking Spanish) = 36

Therefore, the missing number in the table is 36.