At Sunrise Donuts you can buy 6 donuts and 2 kolaches for $8.84. One kolache and 4 donuts would cost $5.36.

What is the price of one donut at Sunrise Donuts?

Let's denote the price of one donut as D and the price of one kolache as K.

From the information given, we can set up the following system of equations:

6D + 2K = 8.84
4D + K = 5.36

We can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination method.

From the second equation, we can solve for K:

K = 5.36 - 4D

Now, substitute this expression for K into the first equation:

6D + 2(5.36 - 4D) = 8.84
6D + 10.72 - 8D = 8.84
-2D = -1.88
D = 0.94

Therefore, the price of one donut at Sunrise Donuts is $0.94.