
Height: 14in

Radius: 7in

Determine the area of the circular base of the cylinder:
square inches

Determine the width of the lateral face of the cylinder:

Determine the area of the lateral face of the cylinder:
square inches

What is the total surface area of the cylinder:
square inches

Area of the circular base of the cylinder: π(7in)^2 = 49π square inches

Width of the lateral face of the cylinder: This is the same as the circumference of the base circle, which is 2π(7in) = 14π inches

Area of the lateral face of the cylinder: Height * width = 14in * 14πin = 196π square inches

Total surface area of the cylinder: Base area + lateral face area + lateral face area = 49π + 196π + 196π = 441π square inches ≈ 1385.44 square inches