Justine earned $26,000 during the first year of her job at city hall. After each year she received a 3% raise. Find her total earnings during the first five years on the job.

(1 point)





To find Justine's total earnings during the first five years on the job, we can calculate her earnings year by year, including the 3% raise each year.

Year 1: $26,000

Year 2: $26,000 + 3% of $26,000 = $26,000 + $780 = $26,780

Year 3: $26,780 + 3% of $26,780 = $26,780 + $803.40 = $27,583.40

Year 4: $27,583.40 + 3% of $27,583.40 = $27,583.40 + $827.50 = $28,410.90

Year 5: $28,410.90 + 3% of $28,410.90 = $28,410.90 + $852.33 = $29,263.23

Total earnings over 5 years:
$26,000 + $26,780 + $27,583.40 + $28,410.90 + $29,263.23 = $138,037.53

Therefore, Justine's total earnings during the first five years on the job would be $138,037.53.