What will we see on the Micro:bit display when the following code is run?

from microbit import * def heart_wait(): display.show(Image.HEART) sleep(1000) heart_wait() display.clear() display.show(Image.HEART) sleep(1000) display.show(Image.HAPPY) sleep(1000) display. Clear()

We will see a heart displayed on the Micro:bit for one second, then it will be cleared. After that, a heart will be displayed again for one second, followed by a happy face for one second, and then the display will be cleared.

display.show(Image('00009;' '00999;' '00900;' '99900;' '90000'))

display. Show(Image('00009;' '00999;' '00900;' '99900;' '90000'))

display. Show(Image('90000;' '99900;' '00900;' '00999;' '00009'))
display.show(Image('90000;' '99900;' '00900;' '00999;' '00009'))

display.show(Image('09999;' '00099;' '99099;' '99000;' '99990'))
display. Show(Image('09999;' '00099;' '99099;' '99000;' '99990'))

display. Show(Image('9000;' '09900;' '00000;' '00990;' '00009'))

The code you posted will display a series of images on the Micro:bit display. Here is what each image represents:

1. Image of a love heart
2. Same as the first image - love heart
3. Inverted love heart
4. Same as the third image - inverted love heart
5. A criss-cross pattern like # has of digit 9 in all corners
6. (Typo - Change display. Show() to display.show()) A criss-cross pattern like # has of digit 9 in all corners
7. A diagonal pattern like / has of digit 9 in diagnol cross
8. A criss-cross pattern in diagnol 9;display.show(Image('9000;' '09900;' '00000;' '00990;' '00009'))

Each image will be displayed on the Micro:bit screen and then cleared.

What will we see on the Micro:bit display when this code segment is run?

while True: display. Show('A') sleep(1000) display.show('B') sleep(1000)

When running this code segment, the Micro:bit display will continuously switch between displaying the letter 'A' for 1 second and the letter 'B' for 1 second in an infinite loop. The display will alternate between showing 'A' and 'B' every second.

How many times will we see the number 5 when this code segment is run? for i in range (4): display. Scroll(5)

When this code segment is run with the for loop ranging from 0 to 3 (`range(4)`), the number 5 will be displayed and scrolled four times. Each iteration of the loop will display number 5 and then scroll it on the Micro:bit display.

Which code segment will scroll "yes no yes no yes no" across the display?

for i in range (3): display.scroll('yes') display. Scroll('no')
for i in range (3): display.scroll('yes') for i in range (3): display. Scroll('no')
for i in range (3): display.scroll('yes') display.scroll('no') display. Scroll('yes')
for i in range (3): display.scroll('yes') display. Scroll('no')

The correct code segment that will scroll "yes no yes no yes no" across the display is:

for i in range(3):

In this code segment, each iteration of the loop scrolls "yes" followed by "no", repeatedly for three times.

for i in range(3):

display. Scroll('no')