The Massacres

Conflict Moving West
Violence and Westward Expansion
Once the Civil War was over, the United States resumed its plans to move west and settle the middle portion of the continental United States. This region is comprised of vast grasslands.
However, this area was already inhabited by several Native American tribes.
In order to settle this land, the United States decided they needed to remove the Native Americans from their land.
This led to several violent and harsh encounters.
map of the United States

Sand Creek Massacre
In 1864, the Sand Creek Massacre took place.
Colonel John Chivington and the U.S. military came upon 150 sleeping Native Americans, who were primarily women and children.
Chivington and the army killed the sleeping Native Americans as an act of revenge for Chivington, whose family had been killed by Native Americans.
Despite Chivington being scolded by the military for his actions, the massacre was branded in the newspapers back east as the "Battle of Sand Creek."
Why were around 150 Native Americans massacred at Sand Creek?

Native Americans had raided a governmental building two weeks earlier.

It was an act of revenge by U.S. Army Colonel Robert Chivington for the death of his family.

Native Americans were defending the gold they found in the Black Hills.

The correct answer is: It was an act of revenge by U.S. Army Colonel John Chivington for the death of his family.