which one is correct: gave all men the right to vote

a. 13th amendment
b. 14th amendment
c. 15th amendment

c. 15th amendment

which one is correct: citizenship, equal protection under the law

a. 13th amendment
b. 14th amendment
c. 15th amendment

b. 14th amendment

the homestead act (1862) attempted to promote development of western lands by

a. providing free land to settlers
b. placing native american indians on reservations
c. removing all restrictions on immigration
d. creating a system of dams for crop irrigation

a. providing free land to settlers

are you sure

Yes, I am confident in my answer. The Homestead Act of 1862 did indeed promote the development of Western lands by providing free land to settlers who met certain requirements, such as living on and farming the land for a set period of time. This was done in an effort to encourage settlement and cultivation of the Western territories.


what was the goal of the reformers who wanted to help native amercans in the late 1800s?

a. to return the land that was taken away from the native americans
b. to negotiate treaties to ensure peace in the west
c. to encourage native americans to adopt the ways of americans
d. to relocate all the native americans to one reservation in a western state

a. to return the land that was taken away from the native americans