simple ion does each of the following elements most commonly form?

a. Sodium …………….
b. Iodine ..………….
c. Potassium .……………
d. Calcium .……………
e. Sulfur .……………
f. Magnesium .……………
g. Aluminum .….……….
h. Nitrogen ……………
_____ 4.

To determine the simple ion that each of the elements most commonly forms, we need to look at their location in the periodic table and their number of valence electrons.

a. Sodium (Na) - Sodium is located in Group 1 of the periodic table. It has one valence electron, so it most commonly forms a +1 ion (Na+).

b. Iodine (I) - Iodine is located in Group 17 of the periodic table. It has seven valence electrons, so it most commonly forms a -1 ion (I-).

c. Potassium (K) - Potassium is located in Group 1 of the periodic table. It has one valence electron, so it most commonly forms a +1 ion (K+).

d. Calcium (Ca) - Calcium is located in Group 2 of the periodic table. It has two valence electrons, so it most commonly forms a +2 ion (Ca2+).

e. Sulfur (S) - Sulfur is located in Group 16 of the periodic table. It has six valence electrons, so it most commonly forms a -2 ion (S2-).

f. Magnesium (Mg) - Magnesium is located in Group 2 of the periodic table. It has two valence electrons, so it most commonly forms a +2 ion (Mg2+).

g. Aluminum (Al) - Aluminum is located in Group 13 of the periodic table. It has three valence electrons, so it most commonly forms a +3 ion (Al3+).

h. Nitrogen (N) - Nitrogen is located in Group 15 of the periodic table. It has five valence electrons, so it most commonly forms a -3 ion (N3-).

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