Practical examples of high Self-esteem


1. A person who believes in their abilities and is not afraid to take on new challenges at work or in their personal life.
2. Someone who is comfortable with who they are and does not feel the need to seek validation from others.
3. A student who is confident in their academic abilities and takes pride in their accomplishments.
4. A individual who sets healthy boundaries in relationships and does not tolerate mistreatment from others.
5. Someone who takes care of their physical and mental well-being by practicing self-care and self-love.
6. A person who is not easily swayed by criticism or negative feedback, and instead uses it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
7. A individual who stands up for themselves and their beliefs, even in the face of opposition.
8. Someone who is able to admit their mistakes and learn from them, without feeling overwhelmed by guilt or shame.
9. A person who surrounds themselves with positive influences and supports, and does not engage in toxic behaviors or relationships.
10. Someone who is able to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace, and does not let setbacks define their worth or identity.